Who the HECK are WE?

This is the story of Mr. Crusty and Nelson…

Mr. Crusty and Nelson were born to a mother on a commune in upstate New York. They were tragically separated at the age of 3 days by a band of roving gypsies. Neither of them remembers any of this.

Spending their childhood on a cascade of new gaming formats, from pong to Commodore 64, Atari to Sega, the PC gaming experience finally trumped them all. Yes, they could finally chat, talk, have strategy and command prompts and shoot the bad guys.

Now that they are more…eh hem, mature, they realize that they can also work on their PCs. This work phase cemented PC Gaming’s place in their offices. Now their wives cannot tell if they are working or “working.” Gaming for Geezers began after they realized that we both had a gazillion games that went unplayed, while others were comfy habits they returned to time and time again. They are willing to spend countless more hours to answer why this is. They are also willing to review new games so that you don’t have to.

Someone has to do it.